
Rush hospital logo
Rush hospital logo

rush hospital logo rush hospital logo

In 1993 the modern logo was further refined by the graphic design firm of Kurtzman Slavin Communications to the shape it now has. This symbol first appeared on the masthead of the January 1971 issue of NewsRounds, the Medical Center’s employee newsletter. Soon thereafter general surgeon Steven Economou, MD, who was an avid graphic artist, created the modern logo, which is a secular version of the anchor cross seal, as it has no horizontal cross piece. Luke’s Medical Center in late October 1969 a new logomark was needed. With the incorporation of Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center), the logo appeared as below. Luke’s Hospital (to create Rush-Presbyterian-St. The logo evolved during the 1960s so that by the time of the 1969 merger of Rush Medical College with Presbyterian-St. Merging of two entities to form the Presbyterian-St. When the two hospitals merged, two anchor crosses were merged, to create a symbol that first appeared in the 1957 annual report of Presbyterian-St. The “anchor cross” is an historic Christian symbol of hope and steadfastness. A seal was created to represent the merger of these two historic Chicago hospitals, with their common Christian heritage. Coordinate with marketing and communications colleagues at Rush Oak Park Hospital, Rush Copley Medical Center and Rush University.Its origins date back to the mid-1950s, when Presbyterian and St. Teamwork - As a member of the Public Relations and Marketing and Communications team, assist on projects to help achieve department wide goals.Internal electronic communications - Write, edit, work with departments on approvals and send electronic communications.Intranet content – size photos, write and post content for the on intranet.Conversely, adjust and edit internal communications content with external news value for use with news media and other external audiences. Edit and adjust content developed for external purposes for use in various internal communications.Create communications plans (in coordination with internal communications director or associate director) for some projects.Write content for internal audiences – to appear in various communications.Post news releases and edit the content on the Rush Newsroom section of the homepage. Creatively and strategically developing content to attract the public and media to news at Rush and to draw the media further into the site to learn more about Rush to help achieve marketing and communications goals and objectives create graphic links, change image source, change text. News content for Newsroom, Rush Web site and social media channels - Assist with continuous improvement of Rush’s Internet-based newsroom.Coordinate visits by media to the medical center by making arrangements for filming/interviews on site including in offices, operating rooms, clinics, patient rooms, etc., ensuring appropriate consent is obtained and activities do not disrupt normal patient care activities. Responsive media relations - With guidance from the associate director of media relations, respond to news media inquiries and requests for information.Distribute news stories via email, web, social media, etc. Proactive media relations - Develop and place stories about Rush in local and national print, broadcast and social media based on an annual media relations plan that supports Rush’s strategic marketing and communications objectives coordinate placement plans with associate director of media relations and colleagues.Public relations inquiry management - Answer incoming news media and other calls to public relations office handle inquiries or triage calls to appropriate personnel.Effectiveness measurement - Assist with monthly and quarterly media relations evaluation and measurement reports for media relations and Public Relations to illustrate achievement of ongoing goals of the public relations function contribute communications content to the monthly Marketing Reports of the Department of Marketing and Communications.Public relations project management - Act as project manager on specific internal and external communications projects as needed.Projects are consistent with strategic communications goals for the organization and are planned in coordination with associate director of media relations. News writing and corporate communications - Develop, write and edit content for various projects of media relations and internal communications including news releases and feature stories, pitching news media, successfully garnering media coverage for assigned clinical programs and services as well as work on employee communications and other communication assignments.

Rush hospital logo